When we select garden water sprinkler head for water irrigation equipment,not only consider the sprinkler specification,and take care the sprinkler's water pressure,water flow,spray range,easy or hard to install,angle of spray and more,also we must take care factors such as the strength of the license sprinkler soil, size and shape land, water environment, users and more. In addition, among the same group in the same round of irrigation project or a project, it is recommended to pick a model or a performance similar to the nozzle, to facilitate the operation of supervisory control and irrigation uniformity throughout the system. Among the project has been built, and some one-sided pursuit of ornamental water features, the installation of various properties of different nozzles, resulting in no way guaranteed irrigation uniformity. When the selection of nozzle requiring special attention is the irrigation system is not the fountain, its goal is to fill the plant needs time and space above the water shortage, rather than creating artificial water features. Thus, only in the first meet the water demand of the premise, as far as possible to take care of the landscape to enjoy.